I will admit it ..I am old fashioned and thus I have a soft spot for purely decorative needlework.Michael has been watching a lot of HGTV shows lately..and all that anyone wants lately is "clean and modern"...seems like the 80's all over again...I am a fondness for sheer curtains,tablecloths, and doilies ...I mean the point of these were to protect for furniture from scratching (and dust) and to show off the skills needed to create the intricate patterns...
the tan doily was actually from a book last holiday that made the work into art ( the doily being glued to canvas after it was done..and this was a lot of fun to work on ( Michael started one also )..it does require a bit of Patience as every row changes ..but really its a repeat of the same thing ..and crochet thread leave a welt on your finger ...this was in bigger thread ..but I have worked with smaller and the big thread went fast ..I thought it turned out pretty nice !

I still have a shawl and pop top bag in progress ..but needed a change of pace ! ...