This week I tried a new pattern for a really pretty potholder!
OK so it kinda looks like something a grandma would make..I get that its not in every ones taste ..but heck its a potholder and not a piece of art work ..but I do think its kinda pretty and was really fun to make 

I also tried to make paper beads, I saw this at the destination art event, and saw some paper beads that Alex had made .I mean this was simple... just rolled up glued paper right? ...well I ended up with more glue on my hands and paper beads that would not behave ..I had the best intention of making a bunch of them to send to my mom..but they are so ....well lets just say... the pretty pack of paper I bought is being sent to basil to make cards with and I will go back to making fimo beads..but it was a good try!
I had a bit of cotton yarn left from the pot holder ( and not enough to make another one of the same ) so I thought I would make a fancy dishcloth .....I love the silly looping chain st that runs from the center ,,but the silly thing will not stay flat...but it was fun to make anyway....
if anyone reading ever wants the link to any of the projects that I make I am glad to share ...just let me know !