Thursday, March 10, 2011

a day with Tat and Family

I adore all my friends !
getting to visit tat

and her family is always a treat for Michael and I
 ..since our Nieces and Nephews live so far away Devon and Sara Reiley our our surrogates.
and I love having "art days" with them ( and she like to post pics of me so I get to post one of her!)

Devon was ( in Tats words) was being a "teenage boy" ..he isn't into our our art days as much ..but he is pretty crafty in his own way ..we was making Chain Mail bracelets
and had just gotten new supplies in ..they are made with rubber rings and metal jump rings ..very fun! ..and they glow in the dark!...he had a book full of patterns and was starting on some very complicated designs..I was kinda means I need to learn something new!

I challenged Sara Reily with a new felting project and I was helping her with planning images and inspiration. but we ended up making more of the fun jar pendants...
tat even made one !
I love to make these! and tat got the bottles for me .....

even with Vegas and art Day I did manage to finish 2 projects

Michael saw this year and on the wrapper was this super cute pattern and he asked me to make this for his nieces baby
I finished my deconstructed sweater bag to wear to Vegas ..but will do a whole post on it later!

1 comment:

  1. That baby skirt turned out adorable. I like the jar pendants too. I love how creative my friends are.
