Friday, February 11, 2011

Hard week

Soon after my post last week,
I got some bad news about My hubby's work
( and if you didnt know we work together)
 it made me take a good close look at my environment.

And I realised that my work was not inspiring me ,
or reacting favorably to me having an inspiring environment.
( I wasn't being discouraged from having a decorated just wasn't adding to my work experience)
 and that I need to make sure to take my job a little less personally.

 This is a challenge for me as in the past have devoted a lot of my extra time, thoughts,creativity, and passion to my job, thinking that's what companies want..

an employee that gives 100%...

only to come to the conclusion that most workplaces don't really want that ..

they want rules followed , and money made, and tushes kissed!
individualism, creativity and dedication are tolerated..but not required, encouraged, or rewarded
Sadly  it not just where I am now , but common in a lot of jobs...
Its taken me a long time and a few jobs now to see the light on this ...
but enough moping !
here is my positive spin ...

the less of my creativity I use at work
( my DAY JOB)
the more I can use it on my art
( my REAL JOB!)

yes I say it
 I am an artist....
I want to encourage all crafters, writers,musicians, photographers, jewelry makers, knitters,painters,vidieographers...
to do like me
open up your self to your art form
( or like a lot of people I FORMS) .
proudly show your talents and give encouragement and praise to other artists

it makes me sad we are at a place in the world where creativity is not a requirement

lets celebrate all things pretty!
lets start a revolution for the arts !
lets make it mandatory for every workplace to have to have an artist available
to show the rest of the people who are too busy following rules, making money, and kissing tushes
what they are missing!

my hope is all of you follow your dreams and celebrate your talents everyday!

1 comment:

  1. Sending you and Michael big hugs from over here. Maggy and Roscoe send doggy kisses to their Godfathers!
